T.O.N.E. System (IPT) is a private, progression-based, one-on-one training program designed for those who want the fastest path to their fitness goals. From day one, your journey begins with a comprehensive fitness assessment. Every workout after that is built using real data from your most recent sessions—no cookie-cutter routines or gimmicks. Just proven, results-driven training tailored to your progress.
5-Pack: Private 1:1 Training Sessions (60 Minutes Each)
Ideal for those who want to:
▶️ Train once a week consistently
▶️ Target and improve a specific area
▶️ Learn a structured five-day workout plan to follow independently
▶️ Achieve a short-term weight loss goal of 2-3 pounds
Includes a customized meal plan, grocery list, homework assignments, and ongoing online support.
10-Pack: Private 1:1 Training Sessions (60 Minutes Each)
Perfect for those looking to:
▶️ Train twice a week consistently
▶️ Maintain your physique
▶️ Learn a sustainable workout plan to continue independently
Includes a personalized meal plan, grocery list, homework assignments, and ongoing online support.
15-Pack: Private 1:1 Training Sessions (60 Minutes Each)
▶️ Train three times per week consistently
▶️ Transform your physique with a focused, structured plan
▶️ Target all major muscle groups separately—for example:
*Custom splits available based on your goals.*
Includes a personalized meal plan, grocery list, homework assignments, and ongoing online support.
20-Pack: Private 1:1 Training Sessions (60 Minutes Each)
Designed for those who want to:
▶️ Train 4-5 days per week consistently
▶️ Make noticeable cosmetic changes
▶️ Customize your training with a balance of muscle development, sport-specific work, and recovery
Includes a personalized meal plan, grocery list, homework assignments, and ongoing online support.
Partner Training: Train Together, Succeed Together This training option is designed for two friends or family members who want to train side by side under the guidance of a personal trainer. A workout partner helps with accountability, motivation, and intensity—plus, it makes training more fun and affordable. With an extra set of hands for support, your workouts become even more effective. Sessions are co-ed and open to both family and friends.
Five, 60 minute, semi-private partner training sessions.
Recommended for two people who are wanting to:
▶️ train one day per week on a regular basis
▶️ learn a 5 day training regimen you can continue to do independently
▶️ train for a temporary time period such as a winter break from school or vacation
Meal plan, grocery list, homework assignments, and online support included
10, 60 minute, semi-private partner training sessions.
Recommended for two people who want to:
▶️ train twice per week on a regular basis
▶️ change their appearance
▶️ learn a new training regimen to continue independently afterwards
▶️ reach a short term weight loss goal of 4 to 5 pounds
15, 60 minute, semi-private partner training sessions.
Recommended for any two people wanting to:
▶️ train three days per week on a regular basis
▶️ change their appearance
▶️ focus on all major muscle groups separately, e.g. having a day to focus exclusively on quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calves. The next day to focus solely on your torso, and another day to focus solely on your arms. This is just one example of an arrangement, but there can be many options.
20, 60 minute, semi-private partner training sessions.
Recommended for two partners wanting to:
▶️ train four to five days per week on a regular basis
▶️ change their appearance
▶️ focus on all major muscle groups separately, speed & agility, and recovery. All five days can be used however you choose based on realistic goal expectations. E.g. MON: Legs and Core, TUES: Hill Sprints and Recovery, WED: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps, THURS: Endurance, Agility, and Core, FRI: Back, Biceps, and Recovery.